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Meet Cornucopia Coven!

Shelley, M. Ed., LMHC, Cornucopia High Priestess

Shelley Holloway (she/her/hers, they/them/theirs) is a skillful and empathic psychotherapist, astrologer, activist, educator, Pagan Priestess and Witch with the insight of over 30 years of learning, and dedication to the Gods and the Pagan path. Shelley's teaching style is a collaborative exploration of empowerment and transformation, â€‹in which individual critical thinking, humor, and deep, personal exploration are highlighted and encouraged. Her approach is student-centered, interpersonal, irreverent, and intuitive. Shelley's personal practice has it's foundations in her mystical experiences in childhood, a life long recovery journey, and in her work with the Temple of Brigantia (a Celto-Roman Reconstructionist Wiccan Coven), and Silver Cauldron Coven (Ecclectic Wicca, Reclaiming Tradition), love of creating community, and devotion to the Dark Goddess in all her forms (all hail Hecate & Persephone!)​

Alena, Cornucopia Priestess

With a middle name like Faye, Alena (she/her/hers) has always been a liminal being. Alena joined Cornucopia Collective with an interest in flora of all kinds, kitchen witchery (particularly baking), and intuition development.
Alena feels a close connection with the Goddesses Kore and Inanna. She is drawn to the Tree of Life, tarot reading, and practical uses for magic and spirituality in everyday life. As a Wiccan Priestess, Alena is a constant participant in Pagan Process and plays an active role in each Full Moon and Sabbat ritual. She has a welcoming presence and is a naturally enthusiastic extrovert. To survive within the capitalistic society, she works as an Administrative Magician within an investment advisory firm. To balance that, she enjoys her three cats, Scottish Country Dancing, and spending as much time outdoors as possible. 


Caitlyn, Cornucopia Priestess

Caitlyn (She/Her/Hers) is an Empath and Cornucopia Priestess. Her interests lie in divination practices such as tarot reading, charm casting, and pendulum work. She offers in-person or online tarot readings. 
The deities she works with and honors are Hekate, Ma'at, Kuan Yin, Thoth, Hermes, and Janus. Her hobbies include reading, writing, and listening to music. When she is not acting as a Priestess or working on her divination skills, she is working as a Veterinary Technician, helping all the familiars in the North Shore area. 


Brook, Cornucopia Priestess

Brook (she/her/hers) has had a lifelong fascination with nature and as a child could be found making potions out of pinecones and building frog houses in the woods. Her exploration of Wicca started in her teenage years and she is proud to be a witch and priestess with Cornucopia Coven. Brook is a natural healer who loves deep conversations and self-exploration, but who also balances the serious stuff with more playful celebrations of the divine through arts and crafts and kitchen witchery. Although Brook lived in Boston for the first few years of her pagan journey, she now lives in Tasmania, Australia. She is dedicated to supporting the Cornucopia community online by sharing skills such as leading guided meditations, teaching yoga classes, and sharing pagan-inspired art.


In her mundane life, Brook is a mental health therapist and artist. Some of her favorite things include travel, hiking, watercolor painting, crocheting, and curling up with a cup of tea and a good book. Her magical interests include kitchen witchery, meditation, magical art-making, and learning about folklore from around the world


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